& kood/Sisu partnership
The collaboration with Esports and Gaming community aims to bridge the gap between gaming enthusiasts and the field of software development.
We are thrilled to announce, that one more partner has joined the kood/Sisu network! provides comprehensive coverage of esports events, gaming-related news, and live broadcasts. A huge Finnish esports media have been busy with the Shanghai Major 2024 event and their stream has been going on on their Twitch and YouTube channels since last weekend. Their network reaches a diverse audience passionate about gaming and technology, making them an ideal partner for kood/Sisu coding school.

Left to right: Alex Hytönen, CEO /, Simone Lehikoinen COO / kood/Sisu
Simone Lehikoinen from kood/Sisu explains: “Software development and gaming go hand in hand, and many of kood/Sisu’s students are gamers. We believe that’s audience understands the value of high-quality developer education. In addition to esports resonating with our field and student community, we plan to organize LAN parties and hackathons at our school in the future. For these event, we will also collaborate with Pelaajatcom.”

Gaming and Software Development
This partnership is poised to benefit both communities. “Our channels exceptionally well reach people interested in gaming, technology, and IT. Additionally, our audience includes many young individuals contemplating their career choices and futures. For them, kood/Sisu offers the perfect opportunity to combine their interests into a meaningful career.” CEO Alex Hytönen adds.
The collaboration between the school and Pelaajatcom community aims to provide gaming enthusiasts with pathways to careers in software development, leveraging their passion for technology.
Read more about and the release about kood/Sisu collaboration on their website: